Centennial Bermuda Foundation | Application Orientation

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Charities can now apply for funding online via the Foundation’s website.

Centennial Foundation provides up to $2.5 million in funding to the charitable sector each year and have created a new Application Form, in a user-friendly format, to capture important information from charities applying online.

The Foundation has developed a more stringent set of guidelines for vetting applications and there are new submission deadlines. Non-profit organisations are advised to carefully review the information on the Applications page.

Non-profits & the community are invited to attend an Application Form Orientation Session to better understand the new online process.

When: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 – from 5pm until 7pm
Where: Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute

Please note: This is a repeat of sessions that have already been held for several non-profit organisations and will include the same information.

Contact Kim Pratt – kim.pratt@butterfieldgroup.com – not later than Thursday, October 26, to reserve your space.